Monday, February 21, 2011

Hunger: A GONE Novel

Title: Hunger: A Gone Novel
Author: Michael Grant
Publisher: Harper Collins Children Books
Pages: 590
Source of Book: My local public library

Summary: (courtesy of

It's been three months since everyone under the age of fifteen became trapped in the bubble known as the FAYZ.

Three months since all the adults disappeared.


Food ran out weeks ago. Everyone is starving, but no one wants to figure out a solution. And each day, more and more kids are evolving, developing supernatural abilities that set them apart from the kids without powers.
Tension rises and chaos is descending upon the town. It's the normal kids against the mutants. Each kid is out for himself, and even the good ones turn murderous.
But a larger problem looms. The Darkness, a sinister creature that has lived buried deep in the hills, begins calling to some of the teens in the FAYZ. Calling to them, guiding them, manipulating them.

The Darkness has awakened. And it is hungry.
My Rating: 6.5 out of a possible 10
Explanation: Overall, I found that this book was not as captivating or enthralling as Gone, but it does have a nice lead up to the not yet released conclusion to the trilogy. More is [thankfully] revealed about 'the darkness' and the desperation about food comes to be a main point throughout the entire novel.
I came to love new characters, and was taken on an emotional rollercoaster in the last quarter of the book, but the rest is forgettable plot occasionally perforated with bits of useful information.
I did truly enjoy the state Caine and Sam are in at the conclusion of the book, don't want to give anything away!
Overall, read this if you've read the first one. If the first one didn't strike you, don't bother with this one.

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