Saturday, March 12, 2011


Title: Unearthly
Author: Cynthia Hand
Publisher: Harper Teen
Pages: 435
Source of Book: My local public library

Summary: (courtesy of

Clara Gardner has recently learned that she's part angel. Having angel blood run through her veins not only makes her smarter, stronger, and faster than humans (a word, she realizes, that no longer applies to her), but it means she has a purpose, something she was put on this earth to do. Figuring out what that is, though, isn't easy.
Her visions of a raging forest fire and an alluring stranger lead her to a new school in a new town. When she meets Christian, who turns out to be the boy of her dreams (literally), everything seems to fall into place—and out of place at the same time. Because there's another guy, Tucker, who appeals to Clara's less angelic side.
As Clara tries to find her way in a world she no longer understands, she encounters unseen dangers and choices she never thought she'd have to make—between honesty and deceit, love and duty, good and evil. When the fire from her vision finally ignites, will Clara be ready to face her destiny?

Unearthly is a moving tale of love and fate, and the struggle between following the rules and following your heart.

My Rating: 7 out of a possible 10

Explanation: This book was unlike any of the other angel related books on the market (at least any I have read, which isn't many). For starters, it's not about fallen angels. The main characters are not fallen angels, and the word nephilim only comes up twice in the whole novel. Also, there's less biblical references than some of the other angel novels.

Clara is a very cool character, and very realistic and relatable. She's just as confused about her life as any other girl, but with the added pressure of having a purpose. Her mother doesn't tell her a lot of information, so we find out things as soon as she does.

Clara finds herself in a fascinating love triangle, where the guys really don't hate each other or directly compete over her. I am personally deeply in love with Tucker, which is hard because I also see the appeal of Christian. There's no bad guy, it's all about taste.

The end definitely threw me for an unexpected loop and revealed a smidge of some of the secrets Clara's mother is hiding. I cannot believe that in this trilogy the books are coming out a year apart, I do not want to wait until January.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Shadowspell: A Faeriewalker Novel

Title: Shadowspell: A Faeriewalker Novel
Author: Jenna Black
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Pages: 295
Source of Book: My local public library
Summary: (courtesy of

On top of spending most of her time in a bunkerlike safe house and having her dates hijacked by a formidable Fae bodyguard, Faeriewalker Dana Hathaway is in for some more bad news: the Erlking and his pack of murderous minions known as the Wild Hunt have descended upon Avalon. With his homicidal appetite and immortal powers, the Erlking has long been the nightmare of the Fae realm. A fragile treaty with the Faerie Queen, sealed with a mysterious spell, is the one thing that keeps him from hunting unchecked in Avalon, the only place on Earth where humans and Fae live together. Which means Dana’s in trouble, since it’s common knowledge that the Faerie Queen wants her – and her rare Faeriewalker powers – dead. The smoldering, sexy Erlking’s got his sights set on Dana, but does he only seek to kill her, or does he have something much darker in mind?

My Rating: 8 out of a possible 10

Explanation: I want to start by saying normally I shy away from books about faeries and fae, etc etc, but Glimmerglass was suggested by one of my favorite librarians, and I enjoyed it.

Shadowspell was better than Glimmerglass [the first novel in the series]. However, there are some adult parts and lots of reference to sex and lust and some 'heavy petting'. It's not a graphic sexual novel, but I wouldn't read it if I was under 16 definitely.

Warnings aside, the plot held my attention and made me love the characters even more, especially my boy Keane [who was my major crush in the first novel]. There's a lot of secrets introduced and revealed, and a fair amount of action.

Definitely read this if you've read the first one. Also, not a long wait for the third one! [sirensong, out July]

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Awakened: A House of Night Novel

Title: Awakened: A House of Night Novel
Author: P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Pages: 290
Source of Book: My local public library

Summary: (courtesy of

“My love, speak to me. Tell me everything.” Neferet went to Kalona, kneeling before him, stroking the soft, dark wings that unfurled loosely around the immortal.
“What would you have me say?” He didn’t meet her eyes.
“Zoey lives.” Neferet’s voice was flat, cold, lifeless.
“She does.”
“Then you owe me the subservience of your immortal soul.” She started to walk away from him.

“Where are you going? What will happen next?”
“It is quite simple. I will ensure Zoey is drawn back to Oklahoma. There, on my own terms, I will complete the task you failed.”

Exonerated by the Vampyre High Council and returned to her position of High Priestess at Tulsa’s House of Night, Neferet has sworn vengeance on Zoey. Dominion over Kalona is only one of the weapons she plans to use against Z. But Zoey has found sanctuary on the Isle of Skye and is being groomed by Queen Sgiach to take over for her there. Being Queen would be cool, wouldn’t it? Why should she return to Tulsa? After losing her human consort, Heath, she will never be the same – and her relationship with her super-hot-warrior, Stark, may never be the same either…
And what about Stevie Rae and Rephaim? The Raven Mocker refuses to be used against Stevie Rae, but what choice does he have when no one in the entire world, including Zoey, would be okay with their relationship? Does he betray his father or his heart?
In the pulse-pounding 8th book in the bestselling House of Night series, how far will the bonds of friendship stretch and how strong are the ties that bind one girl’s heart?

My Rating: 9 out of a possible 10

Explanation: I really enjoy the house of night series, and in these newer books I tend to forget that the characters are even vampires. I consider that a testament to the original plot with all the complexities.
I literally adore these books and all of the characters [primarily James Stark, be still my heart!]
Also, I can never predict the twists and turns like I can in most YA books..
As far as this novel specifically, the plot, settings, and characters change rapidly, keeping the reader interested with no mid book lull. Also, the same characters and concepts are reinforced, as well as an introduction to new settings, twists, and a big ol' dose of good versus evil..
Read these books if you don't. If you do, go read this one asap! Definitely staying strong, and I want it to be November so the next one is out!