Monday, April 18, 2011

Guardian of the Dead

Title: Guardian of the Dead
Author: Karen Healey
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company
Pages: 333
Source of Book: My local public library

Summary: (courtesy of

In less than a day I had been harassed, enchanted, shouted at, cried on, and clawed. I’d been cold, scared, dirty, exhausted, hungry, and miserable. And up until now, I’d been mildly impressed with my ability to cope.
At her boarding school in New Zealand, Ellie Spencer is like any ordinary teen: she hangs out with her best friend, Kevin; obsesses over her crush on a mysterious boy; and her biggest worry is her paper deadline. Then everything changes: In the foggy woods near the school, something ancient and deadly is waiting.
Debut author Karen Healey introduces a savvy and spirited heroine with a strong, fresh voice. Full of deliciously creepy details, this unique, incredible adventure is a deftly crafted story of Māori mythology, romance, betrayal, and war.

My Rating: 6.5 out of a possible 10

Explanation: Well first, this book was not when I was expecting when I picked it up whatsoever. I wish I had gone into it being at least a bit familiar with New Zealand and the Maori culture. All I knew prior is where on a map New Zealand fell.

The plot itself drags a bit in the middle, and the beginning is very confusing while we wait for the "aha!" moment. However, the action and intensity at the end makes up for it. You don't realize how attached you actually become to the characters until the end.

I was hesistant to pick up this book because the inside of the book jacket said fairies, but this was nothing like the seelie and unseelie fairie courts of other books out. This didn't seem anything like the traditional fairies I've been reading about for months.

Ellie Spencer is likable and relatable, and I enjoyed her as a main character, I'm just not sure the book was right for me. I don't regret picking it up, though. :]